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Saab Global

Shareholders meeting

The shareholders’ influence on Saab AB is exercised at the shareholders’ meeting, which is the highest decision-making body in the company.

An Annual General Meeting shall be held within six months of the end of each financial year. Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting vote, for example, on resolutions relating to the annual report, dividend, Board election, Board fees, Auditor´s fees, adoption of remuneration guidelines for senior executives and, when applicable, election of the external auditor and other matters stipulated in the Companies Act.

All shareholders, registered in the shareholders’ register and having notified their attendance properly, have the right to participate in the meeting and to vote for their shares.

A notice convening an Annual General Meeting shall be made public at the earliest six weeks before the meeting and at the latest four weeks before the meeting. Notice to attend an Annual General Meeting shall be issued in the form of announcements in “Post- och Inrikes Tidningar” and on the Company´s website. The fact that the notice has been issued shall be announced in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet.

Annual General Meeting 2025

Previous Annual General Meetings: